Interview Videos

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Advice for People Considering Divorce

Hear Eva explain process choices you have when thinking about divorce and what you need to understand before making the final decision to divorce. Learn about the benefits of speaking to Eva first.

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How to Keep Divorce Amicable

Hear Eva explain how working together with a couple can prevent an amicable divorce from turning ugly

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How the Financial Side of Divorce Impacts Women

Hear Eva explain how she gives women in particular, the financial confidence and guidance they need when they find themselves facing divorce

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The Value of Financial Projections in Divorce

Hear Eva describe why having a financial road map is key to making an informed decision when divorcing

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Making Financial Disclosure easier for Lawyers & Clients alike

Hear Eva explain her efficient modern process for collecting financial information and creating financial disclosure documents making this easier for lawyers and clients alike

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The Financial Impact of Grey Divorce

Hear Eva explain how a divorce later in life is different and how she helps people go through 'Grey Divorce

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Building a Divorce Team

Hear Eva describe the benefits of having a divorce team of professionals on your side when going through divorce